Aboriginal Links of Interest

2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations:

2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations (TPFN) is a non-profit social service organization whose membership consists of Aboriginal Two Spirited (commonly known as Aboriginal lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-gendered) people in North America. Due to the AIDS epidemic, the organization was prompted to have health, counselling and advocacy expertise.

Aboriginal Housing Support Centre:

We encourage Aboriginal families and individuals who are paying too much rent for substandard accommodations, to apply for non-profit housing; and we provide counselling and support services for families or individuals who are at risk of losing their private market rental to remain housed until a non-profit housing unit becomes available.

Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto:

Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of the Aboriginal community and its citizens to deal with justice issues and provide Aboriginal-controlled and culturally-based justice alternatives. Aboriginal individuals require equitable treatment in the justice system, access to the legal and related resources within the justice system as well as understanding of the system and their options. This support includes advocacy in all areas of the law as well as alternatives which can break the cycles of recidivism and dependency which is all too prevalent. These alternatives are more effective when they are community controlled and are based on the traditional cultural norms and values of the Aboriginal community.

Anduhyaun Women’s Shelter:

Anduhyaun strives to support Native women and their children in their efforts to maintain their cultural identity, self-esteem, economic, physical and spiritual well-being. Anduhyaun operates two major programs: the Anduhyaun Shelter, Canada’s second oldest shelter providing unique programs and services to Aboriginal women with or without children leaving abusive situations; and Nekenaan Second Stage Housing (NSSH), a Transitional Housing service for Aboriginal women with or without children who are pursuing permanent, safe, affordable, housing.

Anishnawbe Health Toronto:

Anishnawbe Health Toronto (AHT) is a vision of the late Elder, Joe Sylvester. Initial efforts began with a diabetes research project, which realized that a more comprehensive approach to health care was needed by the Aboriginal community. In response, Anishnawbe Health Resources was incorporated in 1984. One of its objectives stated, “To recover, record and promote Traditional Aboriginal practices where possible and appropriate.” Today, AHT not only promotes Traditional Aboriginal practices but has affirmed and placed them at its core. Its model of healthcare is based on Traditional practices and approaches and are reflected in the design of its programs and services.

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network:

As a key national voice of a collection of individuals, organizations, and provincial/territorial associations, CAAN provides leadership, support and advocacy for Aboriginal people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. CAAN faces the challenges created by HIV and AIDS in a spirit of wholeness and healing that promotes empowerment, inclusion, and honors the cultural traditions, uniqueness and diversity of all First Nations, Inuit and Metis people regardless of where they reside.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) – Aboriginal Services, or
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) – Homepage:

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, as well as one of the world’s leading research centres in the area of addiction and mental health. CAMH offers Aboriginal Services which include individual and group counselling to Aboriginal people experiencing homelessness, substance abuse and mental health issues. Group programs include a 21 day treatment cycle for men, a 21 day treatment cycle for women, a six week outpatient cycle for both genders. Other services include: telephone Elder visits, case consultation and education.

Council Fire:

Council Fire’s mandate is to provide counselling, material assistance and other direct services to First Nations people and to encourage and enhance spiritual and personal growth. We meet the needs of our clients by: offering opportunities to Indigenous People through culturally specific programs. Conducting extensive constructive assessments with the community. Promoting and employing Indigenous peoples in the fields of
culture, family, industry and technology. Entering into partnerships with like-minded organizations and agencies. Exploring new business opportunities and expanding on existing ventures and continuing to build human resources capacity.

Egale Canada Human Rights Trust and Partner Organization:

Founded in 1995, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust is Canada’s only national charity promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans (LGBT) human rights through research, education and community engagement.


This program is designed to meet the diverse needs that youth may face such as dealing with stress, addictions or a lack of support. Our Counselors can assist with addressing a variety of challenges and concerns faced by youth. This is provided within the traditional Aboriginal cultural matrix of healing, which includes artistic expression, language, support circles, Elder knowledge and an outdoor cultural program.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Ontario Network of Expertise:

Our Objectives:

  1. To promote FASD prevention and service in Ontario
  2. To support the development of accessible, evidence-based FASD diagnostic services throughout Ontario
  3. To promote an integrated system of support that is evidence-based for people with FASD living in Ontario
  4. To facilitate FASD research, knowledge, transfer and exchange in Ontario
  5. To develop culturally appropriate FASD resources for First Nation Inuit Metis (FNIM) and ethno-cultural communities
  6. To be a catalyst for collaboration on FASD across provincial sectors
  7. To celebrate the gifts and achievements of those living with FASD and of their caregivers and service providers

Public Health Agency of Canada has been a committed supporter in the development of FASD ONE, recognizing not only the expertise at the grassroots level in Ontario but also the need for multi-sector collaboration in advancing the critical factors related to women’s alcohol use in pregnancy and in addressing the needs of individuals with the disability.


Indspire is a national charity that is dedicated to raising funds that deliver programs and provide the necessary tools for Indigenous peoples, especially youth to achieve their potential. The organization serves Indigenous students across Canada, from major urban centers to remote communities, and all people: First Nation, Inuit, and Métis. Indspire offers services to assist with career conferences, mentors and financial support to pursue higher education. Additionally, the organization operates the Indspire Institute, which provides online tools and resources that are designed to increase high school completion rates among Indigenous youth.

The John Howard Society of Toronto:

The John Howard Society of Toronto is a non-profit organization committed to providing and developing programs that reduce the social, economic and personal cost of crime. The Society is dedicated to helping all people who have been in conflict with the law and adults at imminent risk of coming into conflict with the law through service, education and community programs.

The Meeting Place – Programs & Resources:

Homeless men and women sometimes feel social alienation and social isolation (feeling lonely and different from the rest of the community). The main goal of the Meeting Place has always been to lower social isolation. We work to increase access to income through advocacy, public education and skills development. Using a community development approach, the Meeting Place staff and members work together to remove problems that keep people from housing and income. Staff and members also work to create a community space that offers safety, security and access to basic needs.

Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training:

Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training was created in 1991 to meet the unique training and employment needs of Aboriginal peoples. Miziwe Biik provides the Greater Toronto Area’s Aboriginal community with training initiatives and employment services.

Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO):

The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) has built an impressive province-wide governance structure to register, unite, and represent Métis citizens. The MNO has various branches aimed at supporting various aspects of life for Métis peoples, such as the promotion and protection of Métis culture and heritage through the Métis Nation of Ontario Cultural Commission, and economic development through the Métis Nation of Ontario Development Corporation. Additionally, the MNO has built an accountable, results-based provincial delivery structure to meet the socio-economic needs of its citizens and communities. Currently, the Toronto MNO branch delivers programs and services to its citizens: Healing and Wellness; Education and Training; Lands, Resources and Consultation; and Intergovernmental Relations.


Native Men’s Residence (Na-Me-Res) is a temporary home for men that fosters and maintains a sense of community, co-operation and self-worth, through traditional Native culture and values. We endeavour to build a strong foundation for our residents who are on their road to recovery and self-sufficiency.

The Native Canadian Centre Of Toronto:

In the Native Canadian Centre’s thirty years of community service, our purpose has been to deliver programs and services to urban Native people. The strength and beauty of our people lies in our ability and willingness to share with one another as well as our non-Native members and other interest groups–this is one of the fundamental values embodied in our distinctive culture.

Native Child and Family Services of Toronto:

Native Child and Family Services of Toronto strives to provide for a life of quality, well being, caring and healing for our children and families in the Toronto Native Community. It does this by creating a services model that is culture based respecting the supreme values of the Native people, the extended family, and the right to self-determination.

Native Youth Sexual Health Network:

NYSHN works with Indigenous peoples across the United States and Canada to advocate for and build strong, comprehensive, and culturally safe sexuality and reproductive health, rights, and justice initiatives in their own communities.

Native Women’s Resource Centre:

The Native Women’s Resource Centre is a culturally-based organization that delivers programs and services to empower and enrich Native women and children to build strong families and communities. The NWRC delivers programs and service to women of Native ancestry. Our services include, but are not limited to education, support services, and self-help groups. Programs are initiated and designed specifically for Native women and aim to ensure approaches are holistic and culture-based.

Oasis Addiction Recovery Society:

The Oasis Addiction Recovery Society is a movement to help alcoholics and drug-addicts in recovery to become a healthy part of society. This is made possible with financial support from Toronto Social Services and Human Resources Development Canada (coupled with an understanding of the needs of recovering addicts). This support along with the acceptance of the business community and the community at large allow us to show that,


Ontario Aboriginal HIV and Aids Strategy (OAHAS):

The Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy was implemented in 1995 and has consistently evolved since then to respond to the changing epidemic within the Aboriginal population. The Strategy has embraced two fundamental principles since its inception. The first being a recognition that OAHAS is a distinct strategy based on the distinct needs of Aboriginal people. OAHAS offers the following services: Education and development; health and prevention; outreach; and support/referrals.

Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres:

The Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC) is a provincial Aboriginal organization representing the collective interests of member Friendship Centres located in towns and cities across the province. Friendship Centres are not-for-profit corporations which are mandated to serve the needs of all Aboriginal people regardless of legal definition, and are the primary service delivery agents for Aboriginal people requiring culturally-sensitive and culturally-appropriate services in urban communities.

The vision of the Friendship Centre movement is to “improve the quality of life for Aboriginal people living in an urban environment by supporting self-determined activities which encourage equal access to and participation in Canadian society and which respect Aboriginal cultural distinctiveness”.

Ontario Native Women’s Association:

The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) is a not for profit organization that was established in 1971 to empower and support Aboriginal women and their families throughout the province of Ontario.

ONWA’s guiding principle is that all Aboriginal ancestry will be treated with dignity, respect and equality and benefits and services will be extended to all, no matter where one lives and regardless of Tribal heritage.

PASAN (Prisoners’ HIV/Aids Support Action Network):

PASAN is a community-based network of prisoners, ex-prisoners, organizations, activists and individuals working together to provide advocacy, education, and support to prisoners on HIV/AIDS, HCV and related issues. PASAN formed in 1991 as a grassroots response to the AIDS crisis in the Canadian prison system. Today, we are the only organization in Canada exclusively providing HIV/AIDS education, support and advocacy to prisoners, ex-prisoners, young offenders and their families.

Queen West Community Health Centre:

Youth and families are now the fastest growing group in the homeless, under-housed and at-risk populations. Responding to the needs of these populations is a high priority for the Toronto Community Care Access Centre. The Queen West Community Health Centre provides referrals, medical backup if needed, case management, assistance in obtaining a health number, plus liaison, education, outreach and program monitoring.

Service Canada Centres for Youth (Homepage), or
Service Canada Centres for Youth (Aboriginal Youth page):

The Government of Canada’s Services for Youth website is an online resource centre that contains information for youth on matters such as education, career planning, financial matters, and health issues. Services for Youth is intended to provide all youth with easy access to a wide variety of information and services, with special commitment to assisting Aboriginal youth, unemployed youth, and Disabled Youth. If you identify with any of these audiences groups (which are listed on the homepage), select the relevant category to be presented with a list Web sites featuring information and services specific to that audience group.

Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto:

Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto (SGMT) is a group of midwives who offer maternity care to women from the City of Toronto, particularly those from the downtown area, and from the Aboriginal communty. We have privileges at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. We provide midwifery care throughout pregnancy, labour, birth and the first six weeks postpartun.

Wigwamen Incorporated:

Wigwamen Incorporated is Ontario’s oldest and largest urban Aboriginal housing provider, and a non-profit and charitable organization. Wigwamen’s mission is to provide decent, safe, affordable housing for the Aboriginal community, while growing its supply of affordable housing in a fiscally responsible manner.

Youth Employment Services (YES):

YES changes the lives of young men and women. We provide employment counselling, training and job placement services for those youth who are at-risk and disadvantaged. YES also provides business skills training to youth who want to start their own business.